Joyce Bynum

Before her stroke, Joyce Bynum worked full-time as a nurse and attended classes part-time, working toward her master's in nursing. In her spare time, she enjoyed playing with her grandkids. Life was full, but relatively easy. Joyce could do…

Stephanie “Jayne” Silvers

Stephanie "Jayne" Silvers lives a very active life, enjoying visits to state parks, fishing, and spending time with her grandsons. But for the better part of two years, significant back pain and lower extremity weakness has kept her inactive.…

Kimberly Allen

Before contracting COVID-19, Kimberly Allen lived an independent and full life. She worked as a JAG (Jumps for Americans) Instructor for Ivy Tech, working with graduates from Mitchell High School (MHS). She and her husband, Jon, love spending…

Katherine Warthan

Before her illness, Katherine Warthan worked at two elementary schools in Owen County. She proudly served as a K-6 teacher for music, art, and PE. She has three kids and eight grandchildren and loves spending time with family. After contracting…

Linda Hall

Before suffering a bad fall, Linda Hall and her husband Ted lived a great life. She practiced yoga and helped out with a dementia support group. She and her husband lived a full and independent life. On a cold winter day, Linda hit a patch…

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