Barbara Slessinger

Barbara Slessinger has the distinction of being the first individual to utilize the outpatient services now offered at Bloomington Regional Rehabilitation Hospital. Barbara experienced a fall in the community that resulted in a shattered left…

Some Useful Links for You to Get Started

It seems like you’re running a default WordPress website. Here are a few useful links to get you started: Migration How to use WordPress Migrator Plugin? Migrate WordPress from Siteground to Cloudways Migrate WordPress from…

Kevin McClure

Though he lives with Parkinson's disease, Kevin McClure lived a largely independent life before his recent hospitalization. "It made getting around challenging," Kevin said of Parkinson's, "but I was still able to do what I wanted to do." Parkinson's…

Colby Southern

"Life was wonderful," Colby Southern stated, recalling his life before his recent hospitalization. "I worked at a car dealership selling used cars and enjoyed spending time with my grandkids, which range from 13 years old to 5 years old." Colby's…

Kristopher Ogle

Before the accident, Kristopher Ogle was an avid golfer, hiker, and camper. He loved the outdoors and worked full-time at the water company. His job was strenuous, running heavy machinery and doing a lot of work with his hands. At home, Kristopher…