Kimberly Allen

After spending time in four different hospitals, Kimberly Allen gained back her strength and independence to return home.

Before contracting COVID-19, Kimberly Allen lived an independent and full life. She worked as a JAG (Jumps for Americans) Instructor for Ivy Tech, working with graduates from Mitchell High School (MHS). She and her husband, Jon, love spending time with their daughter and son. She also enjoys spending time with friends and likes to go shopping, especially at TJ Maxx.

A few days before Labor Day weekend, Kimberly started feeling fatigued and tired. Her condition worsened over the next couple of days and she started having a hard time breathing. On September 9th, she was rushed to IU Health Bedford. From IU Health Bedford, she life-lined to IU Health Methodist, where she stayed for the next couple of months.

Kimberly was intubated and received special pulmonary care for three months. With the incredible care at IU Health Methodist, support from her family, and God’s grace, Kimberly stayed strong and began to improve. She transferred to Kindred Indianapolis to prepare for an intensive rehabilitation stay. After receiving a recommendation from two friends, her family chose Bloomington Regional Rehabilitation Hospital for Kimberly’s next phase of care.

During recovery, Kimberly received a lot of support and leaned into her religion for comfort. She explained, “Without God, I wouldn’t be here. I am not sure why he chose me, but he did. He chose me to make it through this, and now He is going use me to tell His story.”

Kimberly is also appreciative of so many staff members. She wanted to give a shout-out to her nurse, Julie, the PCTs, Hailey, Carmelita, and the rest of the nursing team, her therapists, Steven, Katelyn, and Beth, Denise, and Dr. Khan. “Everyone was so compassionate and kind! My therapists were so motivating and helped me with eating and my voice. Everyone was there for me!”

Using her return home as motivation, Kimberly pushed herself and worked hard at her recovery. She defines success as living God’s will. “I think you need to be good to people, listen to people, help people and just be there for people.  If you can do that, that is success.”

Kimberly graduated from inpatient rehabilitation and returned home after gaining back a lot of her independence. She loves being back in her home to enjoy the wide-open spaces in Mitchell, Indiana. Her plans for the future include praying for the BRRH team. “They gave me a second chance, and I am going use it. I am going to live my life doing God’s will!”

1 reply
  1. Diamond Homescapes
    Diamond Homescapes says:

    Kimberly’s journey and resilience are truly inspiring, and it’s heartwarming to see her gratitude for the support she received. Her story is a beautiful testament to faith, strength, and the power of community.


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