As a nurse, Joyce knew the importance of acute rehabilitation following a stroke.

Before her stroke, Joyce Bynum worked full-time as a nurse and attended classes part-time, working toward her master’s in nursing. In her spare time, she enjoyed playing with her grandkids. Life was full, but relatively easy. Joyce could do things she wanted and maneuvered without trouble.

Then came the stroke.

One Sunday, Joyce was working on a paper for her second-to-last master’s class. Around noon, she experienced an episode of blurred vision, weakness, and ataxia (uncoordinated movement) in her right leg. The episode only lasted a few minutes, so Joyce continued about her day. After all, she had a paper to complete! Then she had another episode around 3 pm and again at 6 pm.

Recognizing the signs, Joyce decided to go to the emergency department at Indiana University Health. They ran all the scans and performed all the tests they could, but everything returned negative. Joyce was admitted for overnight observation and discharged the next day without symptoms.

At 4:30 am the following day, the symptoms returned. Joyce returned to the hospital, where they confirmed the stroke. Joyce’s symptoms were more pronounced this time, with right-sided deficits including facial droop, slurred speech, and weakness in her arm and leg.

Being a nurse, Joyce knew the value of acute rehabilitation. “They are the best level of care for a stroke patient,” she stated. “I wanted to get the most intensive therapy I could, to get back as much function as I could.”

Joyce chose Bloomington Regional Rehabilitation Hospital for her recovery. “Amber [the clinical liaison who performed her assessment] and I were acquaintances from the old rehab unit. I was happy to see her.”

It wasn’t just Amber that impacted Joyce’s recovery at BRRH, but many staff members. “Really, the entire team was great,” Joyce shared. “Those that stood out to me were Charlene (PT), Maribeth (PT), Kaitlyn (OT), and Mary and Kayla (Nursing). They all played a significant role in my recovery. Also, I have to recognize Helen, my case manager, Denise, Dr. Choudhury, and Steve (Facilities). Steve was willing to do anything and always happy to help.”

“I could tell the entire team worked hard to make sure everyone involved in my care had the information they needed.”

Joyce is thrilled with her decision.

“I look back now and am so thankful that I got the chance to come here. I wouldn’t have pushed myself as hard as the staff did to get as much function back as I did. I was intelligent enough to know I would get better. But the amount of progress I made in such a short time…I cannot tell you how thankful I am that I got the opportunity to come here right after my stroke. I know how important it is.”

Joyce also knew the importance of staying motivated and drew on her faith for inspiration. “Being dependent on faith and God and the role he would play in my recovery, and the prayers from everyone on my behalf, played a big role. I know I had people praying for me!”

“God’s not done with me! I have more living to do, and now I can do it.”

Joyce defines success as “doing the best you can with the current task before you, knowing it’s just a step toward the final destination.” And that’s how she approached each day at BRRH from admission to discharge.

Now, Joyce is ready for a return to her everyday life. “I am really looking forward to seeing my grandkids and spending time with them. I also am eager to continue my therapy and continue getting better. Eventually, I plan on returning to full-time nursing work and completing my master’s.”They

Jayne relied on two things during her recovery: her family’s support and her relationship with her therapists

Stephanie “Jayne” Silvers lives a very active life, enjoying visits to state parks, fishing, and spending time with her grandsons. But for the better part of two years, significant back pain and lower extremity weakness has kept her inactive. In fact, for most of that time, Jayne couldn’t even walk.

After a little more than a year, having required a wheelchair and a slide board, Jayne took a significant step. She underwent back surgery that initially improved her symptoms. But shortly after surgery, Jayne was found to have severe stenosis throughout her thoracic spine. So she underwent another surgery to correct the stenosis, hoping to walk independently again with a cane.

Following the second surgery, Jayne’s journey to recovery really began. She had profound weakness in her back and lower extremities and continued to have pain in her back. Jayne’s doctors and therapists in the hospital knew she could benefit from intensive therapy to regain her function. Complicating matters, Jayne had recently fractured her left ankle.

Taking the suggestion of her team of clinicians, Jayne admitted to Bloomington Regional Rehabilitation Hospital for physical and occupational therapies. And Jayne is very glad she did.

“The teamwork here is remarkable. I have never seen a team work so well together!” Jayne shared.

Jayne arrived with two main goals: use a traditional bathroom and easily get in and out of a car. During her stay at Bloomington Regional Rehabilitation Hospital, Jayne achieved both her goals and credited the staff for their help.

“Being ill humbles you and makes you patient,” Jayne reflected. “My relationship with the therapists helped me make the most gains while in the hospital.”

“Amber (clinical liaison) and Dr. Jason Voorhies helped with getting my stay at [BRRH] started. Kandace, Claire, Kenadee, and Maribeth — the therapists that worked with me — all stood out. Also, Jayden and Kayla were exceptional nurses. And the Kitchen staff have gone out of their way to make me feel at home.”

“I would recommend this place to anyone. I do not know why anyone would go anywhere else!”

Having accomplished her goals, Jayne looks forward to what lies ahead. “I’m excited to get back to home life and visit with my sister. My husband has been so supportive as our roles have changed. My daughter, Meighan, my sister-in-law, Dan, and grandsons, Korbin and Sullivan — they are always cheering me on and were available in any way that I needed. I am looking forward to spending time with them.”

“Also, I have a follow-up appointment with Dr. Voorhies on Monday after my discharge. I plan to park close and WALK into his office and knock his socks off!”

After spending time in four different hospitals, Kimberly Allen gained back her strength and independence to return home.

Before contracting COVID-19, Kimberly Allen lived an independent and full life. She worked as a JAG (Jumps for Americans) Instructor for Ivy Tech, working with graduates from Mitchell High School (MHS). She and her husband, Jon, love spending time with their daughter and son. She also enjoys spending time with friends and likes to go shopping, especially at TJ Maxx.

A few days before Labor Day weekend, Kimberly started feeling fatigued and tired. Her condition worsened over the next couple of days and she started having a hard time breathing. On September 9th, she was rushed to IU Health Bedford. From IU Health Bedford, she life-lined to IU Health Methodist, where she stayed for the next couple of months.

Kimberly was intubated and received special pulmonary care for three months. With the incredible care at IU Health Methodist, support from her family, and God’s grace, Kimberly stayed strong and began to improve. She transferred to Kindred Indianapolis to prepare for an intensive rehabilitation stay. After receiving a recommendation from two friends, her family chose Bloomington Regional Rehabilitation Hospital for Kimberly’s next phase of care.

During recovery, Kimberly received a lot of support and leaned into her religion for comfort. She explained, “Without God, I wouldn’t be here. I am not sure why he chose me, but he did. He chose me to make it through this, and now He is going use me to tell His story.”

Kimberly is also appreciative of so many staff members. She wanted to give a shout-out to her nurse, Julie, the PCTs, Hailey, Carmelita, and the rest of the nursing team, her therapists, Steven, Katelyn, and Beth, Denise, and Dr. Khan. “Everyone was so compassionate and kind! My therapists were so motivating and helped me with eating and my voice. Everyone was there for me!”

Using her return home as motivation, Kimberly pushed herself and worked hard at her recovery. She defines success as living God’s will. “I think you need to be good to people, listen to people, help people and just be there for people.  If you can do that, that is success.”

Kimberly graduated from inpatient rehabilitation and returned home after gaining back a lot of her independence. She loves being back in her home to enjoy the wide-open spaces in Mitchell, Indiana. Her plans for the future include praying for the BRRH team. “They gave me a second chance, and I am going use it. I am going to live my life doing God’s will!”

After suffering from COVID-19, pneumonia, acute respiratory failure, and hypoxia, Katherine Warthan’s hard work paid off, and she returned home to her loving family.

Before her illness, Katherine Warthan worked at two elementary schools in Owen County. She proudly served as a K-6 teacher for music, art, and PE. She has three kids and eight grandchildren and loves spending time with family.

After contracting COVID-19, Katherine’s symptoms worsened. She ended up at IU Health Bloomington, where they diagnosed her with pneumonia, hypoxia, and acute respiratory failure. Once she stabilized, she chose to continue her recovery at Bloomington Regional Rehabilitation Hospital based on a family recommendation.

Katherine’s family explained, “It was the best facility that offered what mom needed. She needed more therapy than a nursing home could provide her. We know mom is a hard worker and would accomplish a lot.”

The biggest influence on Katherine’s recovery was having her family present and the skills of her care team. The staff consistently encouraged her, and she felt truly cared for. She said, “Everyone I came in contact with had an impact on my recovery. The therapists, nurses, kitchen staff, and PCTs were all so kind!”

From day one, Katherine worked hard at her recovery. “I experienced so much strength and growth throughout my stay,” she said upon reflection. “I give God all the glory in my recovery!”

Katherine looks forward to returning home to her family and can’t wait to hold her grandchildren. She also plans to travel, care for the flowers in her yard, and visit her parents.

Before suffering a bad fall, Linda Hall and her husband Ted lived a great life. She practiced yoga and helped out with a dementia support group. She and her husband lived a full and independent life.

On a cold winter day, Linda hit a patch of ice while walking and fell, fracturing her ribs. After spending time at IU Health Bloomington Hospital, she needed to find a hospital for continued care. Her case manager highly recommended inpatient rehabilitation at Bloomington Regional Rehabilitation Hospital. With her decision made, Linda was very excited to start the next phase of her recovery.

Although Linda missed sleeping in her bed, practicing yoga, and spending time at home with her husband, she worked hard at her recovery. Right off the bat, she was very impressed with the care and attentiveness the BRRH staff provided. She particularly hit it off with her physical therapist, Stevie. She explained that Stevie made her very strong and flexible.

Success for Linda meant returning home. After working hard with her care team, she did just that. Even though she was very thankful for her time at BRRH, Linda was excited to see her husband and friends. She looked forward to taking care of herself again and couldn’t wait to get her hair done. With the skills and education, she received at BRRH, Linda confidently returned home to lead her fulfilling life once again.

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