Mike Lavender
Success Story
Back surgery in March 2021 left Mike Lavender without the use of his legs. After the surgery, Mike began physical therapy at a skilled nursing facility, but continued to experience pain. He began to lose hope of walking again. With the pain increasing, another surgery was his only option. His surgeon recommended Bloomington Regional Rehabilitation Hospital (BRRH) for his post-operative rehabilitative care.
Mike and his wife researched BRRH and met with a clinical liaison who answered all of their questions.
“The care at the hospital has been amazing,” Mike says. “I haven’t had one bad day. The continuity of care is incredible. Even though I’ve had multiple therapists, nurses, and patient care technicians, it’s as if one person picks up where the other leaves off. They don’t miss a beat.”
Mike says that many of the staff helped to keep him motivated to reach his goal of standing for 20-30 minutes, including therapists Trevor, Carolyn, Claire, and Kandy. Nurses Matty, Julie, and Adrienne helped him to understand what his days would be like and what to expect. He says patient care technicians Helen, Melissa, Dottie, and Chantel also were wonderful. “I hope I didn’t miss anyone, because everyone was great,” he says.
While Mike is still in some pain, it’s different than what he had experienced previously. “The doctors have been great in helping me to see there is hope,” he says.
Mike looks forward to returning home to his wife, dog, and daily activities such as cooking, caring for himself, and possibly driving again. “I want to get back to traveling with my wife and cruising around the world,” he says.